Monday, June 11, 2012

Where do I even start?

I've been really having a hard time getting motivated to write lately.  I'm not sure what it is exactly, but I just can't seem to sit down and write on the blog.  Not that nothing has been happening, in fact, it could be quite the opposite- so much has happened that I don't know where to start.  I mean there was Kinsley's birthday, Karlie's preschool graduation,  Jamie's and my 10 year anniversary, Anderson's birthday, the Relay for Life, sweet Lucy, or anything to do with cancer and the journey we are on..but for some reason I could not bring myself to sit down at the computer and pick something to write about- I mean, can a birthday post be smushed in between posts about chemotherapy?   I don't' know.  Maybe I need more than one blog.  One for family stuff, one for Anderson's story, and one for cancer... Well if I keep those updated as much as I do haven't done this one lately it would be a waste of time.  Oh well.  Maybe I can find my motivation.  Quit worrying about WHAT to write and just write!  So, I'm going to just start somewhere and go with it!  (Now that I got that off my chest...)  So my goal is to do one post every day for the next 2 weeks.  It may be a hodgepodge of topics, but if I ever get around to getting the blog printed into a hard copy (like I've been meaning to do) I will have most of the topics covered that I have missed. 

So,  let's start with birthdays....
Kinsley turned 8 this past month.  She is such a caring and nurturing little girl.  She is maturing every day, and she is so helpful with Anderson.  She has handled all of the changes in our family with such grace.  She wants to help however she can whether it be with Anderson, or helping me do something, or getting something for me, or helping clean up the kitchen after supper.  We don't want to put too much on her, but we have allowed her to pick up a few more responsibilities around the house and she has done great!  She is a natural worrier, so Jamie and I try to protect her from the really yucky sides of having a mom with cancer.  While she doesn't fully understand what cancer is, she does know it's not a good thing.  But as long as she sees me feeling well and being able to do the things we've always done, she is okay with it.  She is even getting used to seeing my bald head when we are at home.  (She still refuses to let me go in public like that, though, which is okay with me.)  She asks a lot of questions about when I have to have that horrible medicine again or when will I be finished with that medicine, but once I answer her questions, she seems content and goes on with whatever it was she was doing. 

She will be starting 3rd grade this year, which moves her up into the same school that I work.  I am excited to have her in the same building, I just hope she continues to thrive like she has the past 3 years.  You know how some kids are, they are fine when their parents aren't around, but then they melt and act like they can't do anything when one of them show up...well, in the past that's how Kinsley has been, but I'm hoping she will continue to be just as independent this year as in the past.  I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  It really seems just like yesterday I walked her in for her first day of Kindergarten and cried like a baby (both of us).  I look forward to watching her grow.  She has such a big heart.  I hope she stays that way.  She told me she wants at least 5 kids when she grows up, but she'll keep having babies until she gets a boy as sweet as Anderson.  (Ha!  We'll see how long that lasts!) 

Speaking of Anderson...
This little guy celebrated his 2nd birthday on June 1st.  Wow!  What a long way he has come in 2 years.  We have some developmental checkups coming in the next 2 weeks, and I'm pretty sure he's going to come out with flying colors.  He is doing so great right now!  His shunt seems to be working correctly (fingers crossed), he has met his physical milestones up to this point, his cognitive skills are still advanced, and he's just a little behind with his speech.  He's talking, but not putting words together yet as much as he should be.  We may do a little speech therapy, or we may just give him time.  We'll see what the doctors think at his visits.  I can honestly tell you that 2 years ago we had no idea that at this point we would be able to say that he is doing so well.  We had no idea what to expect.  And that is really no different than today- we don't know what to expect for the next year or longer- we don't know what his life will be like.  We pray that he continues to do as well as he has so far.  We pray that we continue to give him whatever he needs to be successful, and we pray God will use his life for a purpose.  And even though we never know when the shunt is going to malfunction, and we don't know how Anderson will continue to develop, we are so thankful for him and the joy he has brought our family.  I can't imagine life without him.  He is a true blessing.  I know there are big things in store for him as he grows and I can't wait to watch them unfold.  I am so thankful God chose me to be his mom.  Thank you to each one of you who have prayed for him and stood beside our family ever since that 20 week ultrasound that revealed he would be born with challenges to overcome.  And overcome them he is...each day he does something new that amazes me. 

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