Monday, February 13, 2012

The Appointment Today

Jamie and I met with the surgeon today. We do have some answers, but not all that we had hoped to gain from this appointment. Here's what we know...

The lump is a malignant tumor. They have labeled it a Grade 3 tumor, which means that biologically it appears to be a more aggressive type. The next step is for me to have a CT scan, an MRI, a Bone Scan, and a Bone Density to determine if the cancer has spread or if it's contained. These tests will also allow them to tell me exactly what type of cancer we're dealing with and which stage the cancer is in right now.

Once I have all of these tests completed, I will meet with a medical oncologist to make a plan of whether to do surgery first or chemotherapy first.

We should have these tests scheduled by the end of the day today. So, more waiting is in our future. But hopefully things will get on a roll quickly, as the surgeon explained that the sooner the better.

Please keep praying. Our hope is not gone.


bettir said...

andrea and jamie...i absolutely want to stomp my feet and am crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this will not be.....your report has to be better!!!!!!!!!!!!do not give up hope...........this all is going to work out.......just angry at this ugly kids are so special to me and i want so much that this isn't happening to you...totally overwhelmed for you!!!!!!!!!!!! just want to know we love youall so much and are praying w/o ceasing....if i could hit something right now i would...just angry angry at the pain in this world that has come to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you just stay are absolutely amazing...i am ashamed i am taking this last report so hard, considering you are holding strong. GOD IS ABLE!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE TO BE MORE POSITIVE NEXT TIME, THINK THIS PAST WK OF MY MOM BEING GONE HAS CAUGHT UP WITH ME AND I AM SO EMOTIONAL OVER THOSE I WANT LIFE'S VERY BEST FOR!!!! YOU KIDS HOLD ON TO EACH OTHER FOR DEAR LIFE.....WE ARE GOING TO SEE ANOTHER MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!love bettie col. 3:17 and joe and family

Anonymous said...

You're such a strong woman. God brought you TO this & will bring you THROUGH it. How you have handled all your obstacles shows alot about you & teaches us all to be more positive, faithful, and humble. You're my role model! Will continue to pray for your strength.

Anonymous said...

oh andrea...there are so many things that I want to tell you. I HATE that you have joined my club and the club of millions of women, and men too.Ugh.Some of my favorite sayings, "Cancer.Good Times!","Cancer.Ain't nothing but a thang!", "Don't worry about me, I got this!",and the most common old school saying, "Cancer. Been there, got the t-shirt (or t-shirts, rather!!)" GET READY FOR TONS OF PINK STUFF...ribbons, books, shirts, pins, pens, notebooks, socks, coats,hats etc. You know that there is a pink breast cancer ribbon on practically everything you could possibly think of???!!! Okay, as you can tell, I approached breast cancer with a positive attitude, and from what I hear, you will do the same. I know it's been years since we have seen each other, but girl, I am here, and if you have any questions,problems, concerns, or you just want to yell, please don't hesitate to call me. That book I gave your mother in law is wonderful (or at least I thought).
Much love, God bless, and Be Strong-
Breanna (Fisher) Andrews

Marsy (Chandler) Thomas said...

Andrea and Jamie,
You have been in our prayers every day and we assure you that will continue. I gave your name to our ladies Bible class yesterday and have already had some women to let me know they will keep you and your family in their prayers. They send out e-mail prayer requests so you can count on this being brought before our Lord. I've never met you, Andrea, but you might remember that I am Jane Spears' friend. We go WAY back in time and I consider her to be my sister. She will keep us all updated on what is happening with you. BTW, I have also had breast cancer (stage 2) and went through chemotherapy and radiation. Good news is that I am now a 26 year survivor. Praise God! Your faith is incredible and we know that God will be right beside you, Jamie and your precious children.
Marsy Thomas