Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I want to take the time to update everyone on our current situation. Things did not go as originally planned. Andie was scheduled to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. We knew going into surgery that a few of the lymph nodes were suspicious but wasn't sure how many. After the doctors got started, they determined that more nodes were involved than initially thought. This prompted them to make a change. They decided to do a mastectomy on the left side,remove 15 nodes, and leave the right side alone. Since then we have learned that the nodes were positive. This was certainly not the news we were expecting or hoping for. It is what it is and we will move forward thankful this surgery is over and hopeful all the cancer was removed.

So what now? Well, we really don't know where this journey will take us from this point. There are a lot of unanswered questions that we have. What treatments are next? Is chemo first or radiation? Will other tests need to be done?

Andie is still in a lot of pain and is battling terrible nausea. She tried getting up to walk twice but had to lay down before getting sick. She is in and out of it while taking her pain meds every 4 hours. She remains positive and optimistic and even told one family member who was upset not to worry about her because she was okay and would be fine! What a warrior! I love her determination. Extremely proud to call her my wife!

We hope to meet with the doctors tonight and find out some of the answers to our many questions. Until that happens, we will remain positive about the news, continue praying, and know that God is in total control of this situation and knows best.

I cannot thank each of you enough for the love and support shown to Andie and our family the last few weeks. I am truly humbled by all the cards,donations, and messages. The outpouring love is amazing. Thanks for hoping on the train and for taking this journey with us.


Martha King Elkins said...

Praying for all of you! Sam and Marti Elkins (aka Martha King).

bettie said...

Jamie...No, often things don't go as planned or hoped for....but you are still exactly right...God is in total control of every step of this journey you have allowed us to go on with you! Praying for ease of nausea and help with pain and most of all that tonight will bring sweet sleep so her recovery may whatever way...radiation,chemo...God will use to bring her through! We were impressed with you two from the first moment we met...and even before actually face to face meeting...knowing your hearts and your positive outlook about sweet Anderson. We are blessed to be your friends! Ps. 20:4-5~~May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of God.~~Love, Bettie,Col.3:17, Joe and family

Hallie Madewell said...

Will continue to pray! Thanks for the update and send Andrea our love!

Rebecca said...

Jamie-thank you for updating everyone. Praying for Andie and all of you. Please give her our love....

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the updates. We prayed for your family in our Prayer Group at church tonight. Know that you are being lifted up to the Great Physician!
May God bless you and your family through this journey.

Greg & Lisa Anderson

Anonymous said...

Jamie and Andrea,

We are so sorry that this has taken such a sad turn but we do know that God is still God and His power is not diminished. The faith in our Lord that you two have is awesome and so very evident. Also, the love you have for each other will get you through this. We continue to pray for you two and your precious children as well. May God grant healing and peace.
Marsy (Chandler) Thomas