Monday, February 20, 2012

Plans are Made

Our visit to the surgeon today was great. We had the chance to ask lots of questions and get lots of answers. Here's what we know:

I have stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma with positive hormone receptors.
It appears to all be contained within the tumor, other than some lymph nodes that are suspicious looking (We won't know for sure about these until they are removed and sent off to a lab.)
Even if the lymph nodes are involved, I still remain at Stage 2 and will not go up to Stage 3.

The plan is to do a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on Wednesday, February 29. Once I begin to heal from the surgery (3-4 weeks), I will begin chemotherapy treatments. I do not know how many treatments or how long I will take the chemo- that is still to be determined. I will not do radiation treatments since I'm having the mastectomy.

The surgeon was very optimistic today and encouraging. I walked out of there with a big smile on my face. I CAN do this. It feels great to have questions answered and have a plan in place. For my personality type, I get a sense of excitement from making plans, making lists, and checking things off my lists! (Yes it's weird, I know) :)

The big question that most people want to know is "So how are you really doing?" So I thought I'd take just a minute to answer that question. Honestly, I'm good. I do feel very optimistic about the situation. I feel a sense of peace, knowing that God is in control, and I feel so much comfort knowing that so many people care about our family so much. When you see me out with a smile on my face, I'm not faking it. I'm just not that type of person. I don't fake that I'm happy and then get home and sit in a corner and cry.

Having said that, I also have to admit that deep down I am also scared and nervous-not necessarily about the cancer, but because I HATE surgery, of any kind. I've had shoulder surgery and 2 c-sections, and even though the c-sections brought me wonderful babies, I still HATE surgery. So...I am dreading the surgery very much. The pain from surgery, the recovery, not being able to move either arm without pain, drainage tubes, etc...ugh... It just makes my stomach turn thinking about it.

Other than seriously dreading the surgery, and wondering what I'll look like bald-headed, I feel great about everything. In fact, I honestly think I am handling this better than some of mine and Jamie's families. I find myself reassuring others that everything is going to be okay. I have some absolutely wonderful doctors who are taking awesome care of me. I am completely confident in their ability to get me through this journey successfully. Do I like what's happened? No. Did it rock me to the core when I first found out? Yes. But is everything going to be okay? Absolutely.

Please continue praying, for me and my family, for the doctors, for others who are in the same boat as me- or maybe even worse, as this club that I have joined keeps adding members daily and they are getting younger and younger...Thanks a bunch!

***Also, I want you to know that I read every facebook message, post, comment, blog comment, card, etc...I may not have a chance to respond right away, but I promise you I read each one and they give me a great deal of encouragment.


Ashley Wallace said...

We studied Matthew last week and how a wise man (and woman) builds his home on the rock. If there is one thing I know about your wonderful family, is that your home, family, and faith have been built on a rock. Bless you and your family. We are continuing to pray, as is our church. It is such a blessing for us to witness your awesome testimony of faith, and for that I thank you! :)

bettie said...

so glad to read your post!! i am encouraged too. you are so amazing! not only are you going to get through this...but will be with flying all the way!!! never having had surgery of any kind have no idea what will be like, but know it won;t be easy...but you will do it with your positive, trusting spirit and you will do great!!! still seems surreal...ya think!!?? only imagine what you and jamie and family are feeling...but know beyond a shadow of a doubt all will come out better than well!!!! prayers,praise and promises of God is what we all are continuing to hold on to and lift up!!!! give your lovelies a hug from us! we are here to help in any way!!! love bettie col. 3:17

Sue said...


I wanted to say that my husband and I are praying for you, Jamie, and your children. My husband was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma in Nov. 2009 and has been cancer free since April of 2010. We experienced a similar type of love and caring that you decribe in your blog and can relate to the outpouring of support that you are now experiencing. The grace of God and the peace of God was so real to us and it is so awesome to hear you describe how you are sure of the fact that God is with you. We have known Jamie since he was a boy. I want to encourage you that it truly is as you say in your blog "I can do this" you definitely can. One day at a time, one step at a time. We will continue to pray. God bless.

Aleesha said...

Wonderful news! I hate surgeries, too. I've also had two c-sections and a replaced ACL...praying for the anxiety on this. I know you understand you can do it, but it still stinks to be Type A and have something hanging over your head. Sometimes during really difficult challenges, it actually humors me to think of how God cares deeply for the birds and the flowers and they they have no worries. HOW much MORE does he care about us? I wish that meant we had double the amount of peace (as naturally as birds & flowers, anyway) I'm rambling...but, I continue to pray for you and your family, and will be thinking of you on the 29th.

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, I'm a friend of Sarah (Hawk) Swaffords and met you at TTU a few lifetimes ago. :) I've not dealt with cancer but have been dealing with some health issues and have been learning a lot about healing naturally. Kris Carr is an author and a cancer survivor with a great attitude and has a few books about being healthy with health issues. She has one about tips for dealing with cancer and also tips for cancer survivors. She was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer at 32 or 34 years old. I've been reading your blog since I saw your post on facebook about having cancer and couldn't decide whether to chime in or not. Some lifestyle changes aren't for everyone but I think Kris has a lot of good information on healing, particularly after/during chemo, and wanted to let you know about that resource. Good luck with the surgery and recovery, and keep the positive attitude! I hope things go really well for you and your family.
Jennifer (Morse) Myers

Hallie Madewell said...

It makes me smile to read about how optimistic and upbeat you are! Been saying lots of prayers for you and the family! I will also be praying for your surgeries, they are never fun but like you sd "You can do it"! Hang in there!

Penny said...

Hello- you do not know me but somehow thru Facebook I saw my friend Tara Gilbert post on your post and I started to read what was going on. It directed me to your blog and I have been praying for you so much. I live in Lebanon with my husband and wonderful 2 boys. I have to have a biospy done FridAy of my right breast and I'm very scared but after just reading your post you have touched me to be strong and stay positive. You have touched my life right now when I certainly need it. Oh by the way I'm 40 years old. I will continue to lift your family in prayer and of course you.
Big hugs
Penny Fraley

Anonymous said...

When I read your posts, it reminds me of a Lipscomb friend of mine who is also a great writer/mom going thru cancer at 33 years old. Here is her latest YouTube post:
Sara Walker's "Grateful for Cancer"

She also has a CaringBridge site:

Maybe some of her thoughts can help you or your family. You and Sara have helped my life, faith, etc already! Our family will be praying for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

YOU GOT THIS BEAT GIRL!!!, I am happy to hear of your plans,and am more happy to know that your positive attitude continues!!
I wish you could skip chemo, but that stage 2 got us both. ugh. Any chemo questions, don't hesitate to ask. Wierd stuff can happen on chemo, but nothing I can't help you with...i think!! :)
If people give you a hard time about your pretty little bald head, let me know, and I will send a "YES I HAVE CANCER " tshirt your way! ha ha!!!
much love, peace, happiness, and prayers,

Paul Nelson said...


When the disciples went through the storm on the lake, JESUS WAS STILL WITH THEM! Nevertheless the storm came. But Jesus is bigger than the storm. We have a dear friend (Deb) who went through what you are experiencing and she is cancer free today. We will be praying for you and your family

Denuse (Storrs) Nelson said...

Dear Andrea:
You are in my prayers. I remember you at your Grandma Anderson's home when you were TWO YEARS OLD! My how time flies--my baby is now TWO! God is your strength, shield and ever present help, He's got your back!
Denise and family