Karlie got a bounce and spin zebra which she loves. She loves to climb on things and she also loves to stand and jump in her crib so...it's perfect. Santa must have really known what he was doing this year...(guess we'll enjoy it while we can- I'm sure in a few years he won't be as lucky).
Well we have eaten enough food to kill us- now its time for the New Years Resolutions about losing weight...we'll see about that later. Jamie and I are leaving on Friday to fly to San Antonio with some friends of ours. It will be the longest that we have ever been away from the girls. We are both excited and nervous about spending time away from them for 4 days. I know they will be fine- they will be getting to do whatever they want and not hearing "NO" at all. We probably won't know what to do with them when we get back.
Overall we had a great Christmas. It was good to spend time with both of our families. It is funny how Christmas changes as you get older...we no longer get as excited about our presents as we do getting to watch everyone else open what we bought them!