Don't you just hate when you keep checking someone's blog and you see the exact same picture or exact same post day after day, week after week? Me, too. So , I figured I need to write SOMETHING- even if nothing wonderful or horrible have happened and life has just been moving along quite steadily.
So, what have we been up to? A little bit of nothing but a whole lot of everything. Somehow our lives seem to keep getting busier even though we keep promising to slow down.
Karlie is in the process of leaving the baby phase and turning into a little toddler. She is very verbal and will say just about anything you ask her to say (but only if SHE wants to say it). I have always heard about siblings who are very different but I never realized just how different they could actually be until Karlie came along. She is not shy and reserved like Kinsley. She is rough and tough, and if you make her mad she comes at you. In fact, her big sister is already scared of her! Ha Ha! Ages 3 1/2 and 1 and we already have some pretty interesting fights!
Speaking of Kinsley, she was struck with the flu a week ago. Luckily her pediatrician gave the entire family Tamiflu to help keep us from getting sick from her. Apparently it worked because the rest of us made it through our five days without any problem. She was pretty pitiful, but has made a full recovery. I think those were the longest five days of our life because the doctor advised us not to go anywhere because we might be the Spears family spent 5 whole days(Wed-Sun) at home and didn't go anywhere. By Monday we were about to go completely out of our minds!
So, we took Karlie to get her 1 year old pictures made (yes she is already 16 months old- don't remind me). The proofs turned out pretty good, even though Karlie was in her "I don't care what you do, you can't make me smile" mood. Ah! Finally one thing my children both have in common- being hardheaded when trying to get pictures made. Now isn't that quality that parents just love for their children to have?
Jamie has been very busy at work. He has had to give a few presentations and for those of you who know him, that is completely out of his comfort zone. However he came through both of them successfully and I think he has actually increased his confidence a little. He has also been working very hard at getting in shape and losing weight. He does a much better job than I do of running or working out on a daily basis. He has lost about 7 pounds so far. (Yes I am jealous!)
I have been a little overwhelmed this semester with my Masters classes. We have 2 of our hardest classes at the same time- School Law and Organization of Public Schools. We've had lots of papers and interviews, and busy work- plus the professors decided to start giving us tests this semester. So, between work, school, and trying to keep our family taken care of, that has left me very little time (or energy) to workout.
Other than all of that, not much has been going on with our family. We are just trying to fight the pattern of getting so involved in daily life that we forget to stop and smell the roses. Does life ever slow down? Every year it seems to go by faster.