Things around our house have actually been pretty calm lately. Everything is moving smoothly, no major drama- we're pretty much just floating through life enjoying every minute of it.
Jamie and I love to sit back and just watch as the girls interact and play with each other. Karlie is in the part of her life where she is very observant and tries to imitate everything she hears and sees- very funny at times. Supper time has turned into one of my favorite times. Kinsley enjoys saying the prayer before our meal and is echoed by "jabba jabba da da AMEN" by Karlie.
I try to cherish every moment because I know this is the calm before the storm. May is one of the busiest months of our entire year. We have Jamie and Kinsley's birthday, our anniversary, Kinsley's school program, and I have graduate classes every weekend. I am looking forward to being out of school to be home with the girls this summer. I always enjoy getting to just be a mom (as if that isn't a big enough job) and take a break from being a teacher, student, and mom.
So, I will do my best to add new pictures and post about everything going on, but if you keep checking and still find this post...don't give up on me....just check back in June. Ha Ha!