Kinsley celebrated her birthday on the 14th of this month. She reminds me on a daily basis of all the things she can do by herself now that she's 4. She really feels like she is grown up now. I can't believe how quickly these four years have gone by. She is starting to come out of her shell a little bit, but she still has her moments...on May 15th we went to her Dayschool program and she cried the whole time she was on stage. Oh well! I got it all on camera and one day it will show up and embarrass her to death.
She is taking gymnastics once a week and is doing great at that. She isn't shy at all! She looks forward to going and loves her teacher. She has learned a lot in just the past 2 months.
Her favorite gifts included anything with Hannah Montana or High School Musical on it.

Here are some pictures from the school program. Note- this is after all the tears on stage.