Football season! Jamie absolutely LOVES this time of year, which means that football is the only thing that will be allowed on our TV for the next 3-4 months (unless I start watching Disney Channel with the girls- I think I'll pass on both!) The fighting has already started- Kinsley v. Jamie...who gets the living room TV, and who has to go into our bedroom to watch the small one in there? It will be interesting. I try to remain neutral as much as possible.

Today the Big Orange will begin their season and Jamie is so excited he can't stand himself! He decided this morning that we all needed to wear something to support the Vols today. He says it is a new tradition around the Spears' house for the first game...(Oh goodie!) Don't get me wrong, I will probably enjoy tonight's game as much as he does, but I can't act like it or he will expect me to watch every single football game for the next few months and pretend to like them. So, I figure that if I act disinterested from the beginning, then I am released from any obligation to watch for the remainder of the season.
So we have planned our entire Labor Day around the big game at 7pm. Can't you feel the excitement as I post? HA HA! Well, like it or not, here it comes! Best of luck to you and your favorite team! And for all of you wives out there who will be single mothers for the next few months because of football- I'm right there with ya! Give me a call.