At the beginning of October I began looking online for costume ideas for the girls. While skimming EBAY I ran across a JoJo and a Goliath costume (from Disney's JoJo's Circus show). I thought "What a fabulous idea! Kinsley can be JoJo and Karlie can be her pet lion Goliath!" I was even more excited when I got both costumes for less than $20 each. They arrived a few days later in the mail. Kinsley was so excited- she tried hers on immediately and LOVED it. I pulled Karlie's costume out of the box and she immediately said "No". I thought she was just being difficult so I told her to come and try it on. With the costume halfway on, I realized she wasn't just being difficult- she was TERRIFIED. She was so scared, in fact, that she wouldn't quit crying until I put it back in the box and hid it in my closet.
That's fine, I thought, we can find another costume before Halloween. So I tried...a frog? No-still scared...a cheerleader? No...A bumblebee? Nope. She was not going to put ANYTHING on.
So I asked "Karlie, what are you going to be for Halloween this year?"
Her reply - "Nuffin" (nothing).
"But if you don't dress up then you won't get any candy." (This will get her....)
"So". And with that, she walked away.
So Jamie agreed to keep Karlie at home while Kinsley and I went Trick-or-Treating with my mom, Kari, and her kids. When we got to Kari's, Kinsley began by noticing Tyler (a vampire) right off - she was so scared of him, she wouldn't get near him all night. Granted his costume was really good, but she knew it was just him. She was scared anyway.
So we began the walk around the neighborhood with Kinsley holding my hand so tightly she nearly drew blood. We walked up to the first house slowly, held out the bucket, and then after the candy was dropped in, I told Kinsley to say "Thank you" and it went downhill from there. She started crying and refused to go up to any more houses. My mom tried, I tried, Kari tried, and even Emily Klair tried but Kinsley wouldn't go. She loosened up just a little at the end but I think total she went to 3 houses during the hour that we walked. Exhausted and frustrated, we were ready to go home.
So in my mind I am thinking- she'll never want to do that again. Halloween from now on will be just another day around our house. Karlie won't wear a costume and Kinsley won't trick-or-treat. Not exactly what you have in mind when you think of Halloween as a parent.
So I load Kinsley into the car to go home. I get in, and as I am backing out of the driveway I hear these words from the backseat....
"Mom, that was SO much fun! I can't wait to do it again next year!"
I am still trying to figure it out. But for now I will leave you with some pictures.