This past Saturday I finally completed my Graduate program!! I sat through the last class, turned in the last set of papers, and found out that I had passed my Comp exam. Yippee! This is a great accomplishment for not only me- but my entire family. Notice that I titled this post "WE did it". That's because I absolutely could not have made it through this program the last 2 years without my family.
Jamie has been wonderful to entertain the girls on nights when I had papers that needed to be written, projects to be done, or books to be read. Both of our families have volunteered countless Saturdays to keep the girls while I was in class and Jamie was unable to watch them. The girls have also been wonderful through this- not always understanding why mommy couldn't spend the day with them on Saturdays, but willing to give that up for a period of time.
I have to say that it has truly been a family effort and I couldn't have made it through (and maintained a 4.0) if it hadn't been for Jamie and our families. Graduation isn't until May so technically I don't have my degree yet, but for me- IT'S OVER and it feels very very good.
The last step in the process is taking the Praxis in June in order to get my Administrator's license...after that, I don't plan on going back to school for a L-O-N-G time!