Last week brought some answers to our prayers...
As many of you know, last summer I got a new job in the county where we live. I was very excited- it was closer to home- which was great considering gas was about $4 a gallon. However, I quickly realized that it was not the environment for me. In fact, the school where I was placed was exactly the opposite environment from where I had been for the past 6 years. Not just different- completely different. I usually can handle changes well. I can "roll with the punches", adjust to new environments, and keep on truckin. No matter how hard I tried to be happy, my new environment was literally killing my spirit on a daily basis. It just wasn't the place for me.
When my former principal heard that I was unhappy, she called and offered me a temporary position back at my former school (she is awesome!). At first, we didn't think we would be able to do it financially because I would only get paid a daily rate (instead of my salary), I wouldn't get any benefits, I only got paid for the days I was there (no sick time), and when the temporary position was complete, I would be unemployed- unless something opened up. To be completely honest- it was a RISK. A big one.
The more we thought about it, and the more unhappy I became, we decided that money was not worth the unhappiness and decided to take the risk, knowing that something would work out because we fully trusted that God would take care of us. But, I have to admit- we were really nervous about it.
So February 1 I began my new position. It was like a breath of fresh air to be out of the smothering environment. Friends and family immediately noticed a change in me. I realized quickly that we had definitely made the right decision...or had we?
As the end of the school year approached (and so did my temporary job), the possibility of a job coming available for next year looked pretty dim due to extreme budget cuts in the county. I applied anyway, interviewed, and found out at the interview that, in fact, there were NO jobs open in the entire county. I applied at another school closer to home, and thought there would be a position there, but nothing.
For about 2-3 weeks I wondered what exactly God had in store for our familyI couldn't sleep, and everytime the phone rang I ran to answer it, hoping it would be a job offer. I was constantly trying to figure out the next step for my life...should I have stayed where I was unhappy just to have a job to help provide for our family? am I supposed to stay home and be a mom? should I pursue another career? is this an opportunity to move to another county away from our families? or should I just be patient?
I know it's only June and most people are just beginning to enjoy their summer vacations, and next school year is the farthest thing from their mind...but for me, not knowing if I would have a job in August was eating me up inside. I wasn't sure how long I could go without a job (I have always had a job- since I was about 14 I have always worked after school and during the summer, I continued to work through college, and picked right up after graduation) Not having a job was a HUGE deal for me. So, Wednesday I decided that I could not let this ruin my summer at home with the girls. I had to quit obsessing about it and worrying about it- worrying was not going to make a job appear. So I decided to completely give the situation over to God. I prayed for him to take the burden fand carry it for me. I prayed that His Will be done and for me to be okay with whatever that was.
This past Thursday Jamie and I were on our way to Nashville for the CMA Fest and my cell phone rang around 4:30. Without thinking a thing about it, I answered... and with that phone call, all of my worries were lifted completely off my shoulders. One position (in the county I had worked for 6 years) had become available and they were calling to offer it to me. Thank you Lord!
So, our prayers were answered and I have a job for next year. I know the women I will be working with and they are all great. I am very excited and can now relax and enjoy the summer. So, for those of you who have prayed about my job situation, THANK YOU! I have the most wonderful family and friends that anyone could ask for.
Now, let's get busy enjoying summer vacation!!!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I love you anyway...
Okay, I know you are shocked because I don't usually post twice in one week (gasp!) BUT...tonight I had to share a funny with you.
Kinsley's prayer before going to bed tonight:
Dear God,
Thank you for this day.
Please help me sleep good tonight.
Thank you for keeping daddy safe on his fishing trip today. (Aw, how sweet...)
Let daddy know that I still love him, even though he didn't catch a big catfish!
Kinsley's prayer before going to bed tonight:
Dear God,
Thank you for this day.
Please help me sleep good tonight.
Thank you for keeping daddy safe on his fishing trip today. (Aw, how sweet...)
Let daddy know that I still love him, even though he didn't catch a big catfish!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Summer Break is Here!
While it isn't officially summer yet, here at the Spears' house it is close enough! The way we see it, mom home from school = summer vacation. So we have spent most of our time the past 2 weeks outside.
Remember last summer how we had a picnic lunch outside almost everyday? Well, that didn't last long this year, as Kinsley was stung by a bee on our 2nd day outside. So, lunch has been moved indoors for the time being.
Kinsley's new passion is the sprinkler. She LOVES to play in it- Karlie, on the other hand, HATES the sprinkler. She had rather sit in her little kiddie pool and watch. It is quite a site to watch...Kinsley wears her goggles so that the water doesn't get her in eyes, Karlie sits and watches from the pool, which occasionally gets a few hits from the sprinkler...which then causes lots of screaming and crying. Fun times! Here are some of the latest pics...

"I may look funny, but there isn't any water in my eyes!"

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