Jamie and I took a trip down memory lane this past weekend. Our family went with some of Jamie's family back to Cookeville for the Tennessee Tech homecoming football game. Danielle's boyfriend, John Ross, plays for Tech and we had been wanting to go watch him play- so we figured homecoming was the best time to do it. We had a great time. It was really fun to go back to where we had gone to school and see the things that had changed. It was very hot during the ballgame, but it was a great game. Unfortunately Austin Peay pulled out a win in the 4th quarter. It would've been great for TTU to win, but we enjoyed it nevertheless.
We also celebrated Karlie's 1st Birthday while we were there. She will turn one on Oct. 11th! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone.
On Sunday, it was great to go back to the church where Jamie and I went while we were in school. We grew pretty attached to the congregation while we were there, and while Jamie has been back a few times (on his way home from a UT game) I haven't been back since we graduated. The people were so excited to see us and get to meet the girls. They said it didn't seem like we had been gone long enough to come back with 2 children.
Jamie and I love Cookeville. We loved it while we were there, and still do! In fact, we still tease that we are going to pack up and move back there. Who knows? Until then, we will just stick to visiting every once in awhile.