Jamie and I took a trip down memory lane this past weekend. Our family went with some of Jamie's family back to Cookeville for the Tennessee Tech homecoming football game. Danielle's boyfriend, John Ross, plays for Tech and we had been wanting to go watch him play- so we figured homecoming was the best time to do it. We had a great time. It was really fun to go back to where we had gone to school and see the things that had changed. It was very hot during the ballgame, but it was a great game. Unfortunately Austin Peay pulled out a win in the 4th quarter. It would've been great for TTU to win, but we enjoyed it nevertheless.
We also celebrated Karlie's 1st Birthday while we were there. She will turn one on Oct. 11th! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone.
On Sunday, it was great to go back to the church where Jamie and I went while we were in school. We grew pretty attached to the congregation while we were there, and while Jamie has been back a few times (on his way home from a UT game) I haven't been back since we graduated. The people were so excited to see us and get to meet the girls. They said it didn't seem like we had been gone long enough to come back with 2 children.
Jamie and I love Cookeville. We loved it while we were there, and still do! In fact, we still tease that we are going to pack up and move back there. Who knows? Until then, we will just stick to visiting every once in awhile.
What a cute picture! I am so glad you got to go and have a good time. It is nice to just get away sometimes. I can't believe Karlie is 1!!!!! Time flies when you are having fun!!!! Hope you all are doing well. Talk to you soon!
Hey Spears, hope you had a great time in Cookville. We missed you guys last night at small group. It just wasn't the same without you guys there.
Hey Jamie, sure did miss you last week at SG!!! We sure did have a great time. Oh, and a great time last night when we went out to eat. Wish you were there.
Did I mention snall group met Friday night? Small group without you guys is like Hall without Oates or Peanut Butter without Jelly. Hope ya'll had a great time.
Oh by the way.. I do not know if you all know that we actually do have small group outings. Granted, most are without the Spears. Why is that? Do the rest of us smell? I agree with Parks. Small Group without the Spears is like playing football with a soccer ball. That just does not work in the USA. It may work in other countries but not here.
Agree 100%. Good Soccer analogy. I would also say that small group without the Spears is like South Dakota without Mount Rushmore (nothing fun to do).
You could also look at it like this. Small group without the Spears is like biscuits and gravy without the gravy. By the way, I just got an email about small group schedule. I really do not see a need do you?
Parks, South Dakota is a wonderful state. They have the Black Hills!!Andrea and Jamie, I enjoyed reading your blog, Emily's parents now live in Cookevegas, and I agree, it is a nice town. She was raised in neighboring Gainesboro. Her Mom and Dad attend Collegeside, is that the same church you guys went to? Glad you enjoyed the game. I'm a big fan of Watson Brown.
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