Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh What a Night!

Well, the Spears family had a very exciting night last night so I had to share it with sure to use your mind to picture all of this as I explain it to you.

Last night I got home from work (late), started supper, and got both girls in bathtub so we could get ready to go to church. During supper, a pretty big storm came rolling in and it sounded pretty rough outside so I told Jamie I was going to check the news to see if there were any warnings for our area. Just as I turned the TV to the station - BAM! A huge bolt of lightening, a loud pop, and our house alarm system begins blaring with the loudest noise I have ever heard. I immediately realize we've just been hit by lightening and start telling Jamie to check for fire or smoke. He is running around the living room with his fingers in his ears proclaiming that he is about to go deaf...can I do something about the alarm system. I pick up the phone to call the alarm system company and- dial tone. So our only way to communicate with the outside world is to use our cell phone, and if you know where we live, you realize this is a miracle in itself.... so i go into our bedroom in front of the window (where it is still lightening) and try to tilt my head just right to talk to the lady on the phone. After saying "Can you hear me now?" about 100 times, she finally gets our phone number for someone to try to call us back. When the guy calls back he can't hear me so he hangs up on me the first time. I call him back and can hear just enough to know I need to find out how to unplug the silly alarm. I hang up on him this time and go start pulling wires apart until the crazy thing finally shuts up. During this, Jamie is walking around the house looking for fire and Kinsley is screaming and crying. Karlie is still in her high chair just looking around to see what in the world is going on. Jamie opens the front door to go outside to check for fire and a bird flys into the house. Kinsley starts screaming again. She and I lock ourselves inside the bedroom while Jamie gets a broom and get it out ( not before it poops on the hardwood entry way).

Oh we're not finished yet...more excitement to come.

Once the first round of excitement has settled down, we realize that half of the house has power and the other half doesn't. So, I again stand on my head by the bedroom window to call my mom and ask her to call the power company for us. About 2 hours later, they arrive and Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb knock on the front door and say "Your lights are on." (Like we had not noticed that point already Captain Obvious!) This stupid statement confuses Jamie so badly that he turns around and asks me "Did we call the power company?" So, I push him aside and step in to have a conversation with Tweedle Dee. We come to the conclusion that the lightening must have hit the breaker so its the box that needs fixed, not the power."We don't fix that- call an electrician." Thanks for nothing.

So, Jamie and I are making phone calls today trying to get people to fix what needs fixed. So far the list of damages are: no power in garage area or hallway leading to the garage, breaker box damaged, internet and digital phone box blown, alarm system damaged, TV in our bedroom is dead as well as the cable box in our bedroom. Where do we start?

Well, I guess there is some good news out of all of this, there was no fire or smoke. It could have been much worse, and we are thankful that it wasn't. But I hope you got a laugh or two from the picture I painted for you about the events of our night.


Anonymous said...

WOW What a night!!! I am glad that you are all ok and I hope that things get fixed soon for you. The bird getting in is I know how Kinsley is about the bird at grannys I bet she was freaking out!!! Glad that there was no fire and that your house is still standing..if you need anything let us know.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I AM VERY GLAD EVERYONE IS OKAY! I made sure I read through it several times to get everything straight. BLESS YOUR HEART! I am still laughing! It seems sometimes when it rains it pours (or knocks out power). I would have loved to have been a fly on your wall. I can not get the picture of Jamie trying to get the bird out of my head! What about Karlie? Is she okay from all of the events? Thanks for sharing your night! It has brought laughter in my day!!!!! Have a peaceful night!