The Spears Family enjoyed a wonderful Easter this year. Both girls have enjoyed hunting eggs and eating as much candy as they can possibly get in their mouths...(Kinsley is paying for that tonight - she has been sick to her stomach). Guess that is a lesson that you learn quickly as a child.
We hunted eggs on Saturday at church. It went much better than last year when Kinsley was so afraid of the Easter bunny that she wouldn't hunt any eggs. Don't get me wrong...we still DID NOT get close to the bunny, but we at least got down and hunted eggs. Karlie didn't seem to understand why she was putting eggs in her bucket, but she quickly learned that when she saw a colored egg, she was supposed to bend down, pick it up, and throw it in her bucket.
We had Easter dinner at my parents' house and also had an egg hunt there. Karlie didn't need any directions this time. :) It was a good day- all the grandkids enjoyed flying a kite and playing outside. It was pretty cool outside, but they didn't seem to mind.
We were thankful to have another holiday where we were all blessed with good health. We had a scare on Saturday when Tyler (my nephew) was mauled by a huge Alaskan Huskie. He was rushed to the ER and it took 15 staples to close up the wounds in his head. He is such a brave kid. We are all thankful that he is okay.