Last week we went to the beach for a week of our Fall Break. We went to Gulf Shores and had an absolute BLAST! It was great to spend some quality time together as a family without the craziness of everyday life. We relaxed completely on the beach everyday. No one had any type of schedule to follow- except Karlie who always let me know when it was time to go to the room for her nap, and would tell me at night when she was ready to go to bed!

Kinsley was traumatized by an episode where her daddy let the elevator door close with her in there all by herself ( I keep reminding him that I never would have let that happen.) He also let her ride on the rolling cart that carries your luggage on the night before we left. He was loading the car and let her play on the cart- the next thing he knows he hears her screaming DADDY HELP! He looks and the cart is rolling down the parking lot (with her on it) right toward a brand new Expedition. (Again, a mother would have paid more attention! he he) The really sad part is that he was more worried about putting a dent in the vehicle than Kinsley getting hurt. It ended fine as the cart took a turn to the left just before hitting it. Kinsley has decided she will stick close to mom from now on.
The girls loved the beach. They enjoyed playing in the sand, looking for sand crabs at night, and eventually warmed up to getting in the ocean and jumping the waves.
One of the highlights of the trip was going out for ice cream every night. (yes the diet starts tomorrow).
I feel much relaxed and rejuvenated after our trip. I am also glad that I still have one week left to get things done at home before I have to go back to school.
Here are just a few pics from our trip!

Love the pics...and glad you all had a great time!! Glad you are home!! Kinsley looks all grown up in that last pic...
Looks like ya'll had a great time.
I loved the post! I am so glad you all did that and had such a fun time! Isn't this Fall break stuff awesome!!!! I hope you all are healthy and happy! talk to you soon!
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