I love sitting back and watching the girls as they grow and as their personalities develop. They are two completely different children. Their personalities couldn't be farther apart on the spectrum. Jamie and I get a kick out of listening as they interact with each other. Never does a day go by without something happening that we sit back and laugh about. Two particular instances happened today.
First up is Kinsley. She is a total GIRLY GIRL. She loves cheerleading, lip gloss, fingernail polish, purses, jewelry, and changing clothes several times a day. As soon as we get home from the babysitters house, the changing begins. And on days like today where we have nowhere to go, it is her favorite thing to do. I have seen at least 10 different ensembles put together today. The funny part about this- she has ZERO sense of style. Take a look at the #1 pick for today...

Yes, you see it right. It's a shirt with cherries, purple shorts with a flower pattern, socks, and plaid shoes. Jamie and I got a good laugh out of this one.
Karlie, on the other hand, is a rough and tough tomboy. She is always into everything. She has no fear. The problem? She is as clumsy as the day is long. One of her nicknames is "Knot Head." She first got this nickname right after she was born because of a cefalohematoma (sp?) that was caused from her being vaccumed out (even though she was born via C-section).
She has had many bumps and bruises from falling and running into things so the nickname still seems appropriate. Today she continued this tradition by falling and hitting her head on the corner of the refrigerator. She was trying to balance on top of a ball. She fell, couldn't catch herself, and went head-first into the edge of the refrigerator door. I know this isn't funny- or it wasn't when it happened...but after we knew she was okay, her daddy immediately called her a knot head and the laughter began. Below is a picture of her right after she was born and another one from today...just so that you understand why the nickname is perfect.