This winter has been an especially difficult one as our family has faced many challenges. In fact, at times we were shaken completely to our core. It is definitely a winter that I am ready to be finished with- in fact, it's one that I hope to forget and never have to be reminded I am looking forward to Spring with more fervor than ever this year. I am ready for new beginnings, new growth, and revitalized strength. More than ever I want to put the past in the past and look ahead toward the future- a fresh start, if you will.
I fully believe that everything happens for a reason...sometimes we don't always see or understand the reasons, but eventually things will come into focus. Taking a look back at the last year, I can see God working in my life. He has been preparing me every day for the challenges He knew I would face. I honestly feel stronger than ever coming out of the trials from this winter. I feel closer to God than ever before, and know that HE will always take care of me if I let Him. I must trust that He knows what I can handle, and that He will never give me more than that amount. Trials only make us stronger- without them we would never grow, we wouldn't realize how much we need Him, and we wouldn't appreciate the truly good times in our lives.
Although there is still snow on my deck as I type this, the weather forcasters say that Spring weather will be here by the end of this week. Ah, warm weather...recess at blooming...playing outside with the girls...Comp exams...Graduation (finally)...and who knows what else this Spring will bring for our family. I can't wait to find out!
Spring, please come quickly!

Girl, I can't agree more! Love ya!
Trials make you stronger???? Girl weve had our share. I also am ready for Spring and a new begining. Life is full of surprises. Hope everyone is doing better. Love ya!
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