Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Salesman

Tonight Jamie was needing to go to the gym to get in his workout.  So, rather than wait until the kids were in bed, I told him to go ahead and go.  I was going to give Anderson his bath and put him to bed.  We would be fine.  (right?)

So as Anderson played in the bath, I sat on the edge and helped Kinsley study for a test while Karlie played the iPad.  About 4 questions into studying, Anderson hands me something...nope not a toy...it was round and brown.  Yep, you got it.  He used the bathroom in the bathtub.  Then he was scared of it so he was screaming.  The girls were both laughing their heads off, and I was gagging.  I got him out of the tub, emptied and cleaned the tub, put the toys to disinfect, and put him back in the finish his bath. 

About this time the phone rings.  Kinsley runs to answer it and brings it to me.  I can tell as soon as I say "Hello" that it's a salesman or someone wanting money.  I usually just say "not interested" and hang up.  But before I could say anything, I hear her say "This recorded call is to raise money for (insert name here) breast cancer foundation.  Did you know, Mrs. Spears that someone dies every 12 minutes from cancer?" 

Hmmm...did I know that?  Not necessarily that specific statistic, but basically yes.  So I quietly answer "Yes." 

She continues, "And Mrs. Spears our foundation helps provide mammograms and screenings because early detection is key, don't you agree, Mrs. Spears?"


"Well then I am going to send you a car decal and an envelope with a pledge form in it.  Can we count on you this year to make a donation to this foundation, Mrs. Spears?"

I couldn't help it.  I don't know what it was inside me that made me say it.  I probably should have just said "Sure" and hung up.  But I didn't.

"Actually, I am going through treatments for Breast Cancer right now myself."

SILENCE.  (or maybe a few crickets).

I continued..."I'm 32 and I was just diagnosed in February with Stage 3."

"Ohhhh...Mrs. Spears I am so sorry.  Well I know you will be just fine.  Yes you will be cured.  Have a good night."

And she hung up.

I can't help but wonder if her method of "quoting statistics of how many people die every 12 minutes in order to get people to donate money" felt a little awkward on her next call. 

I know she is simply doing her job.  And I'm not upset or angry.  But in a weird way, I do find it comical that I made a salesman speechless...

It's not every day that happens, now is it?  ; )

1 comment:

Cathy Holt said...

Your story made me laugh and tear up. You are a very talented writer Andrea.