Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Do any of you know how hard it is to get a child who doesn't want anyone to look at her to smile and pose for a camera?

Photographer #1 sitting fee- $30 + 45 minutes without 1 picture taken
2 weeks of bribing with candy/drinks/toys- $10
Photographer #2 sitting fee- $55
Tears shed- Thousands

......Finally getting your 3 year old to get her picture made- PRICELESS!!!

I was determined that I would have pictures made of Kinsley this summer...I mean, we have portraits from 1 year, 2 years, ... we MUST have 3 years. It was the battle of a lifetime. Everything was going great at the first photographer until Kinsley spotted his 2 dogs...(no likey dogs). She decided right then and there that she would NOT have her picture made. We had 3 people trying to convince her it was okay, we even tried to bribe her with chips, drinks, candy, books- all to no avail. So then mom resorted to threatening...I made her call her daddy and tell him how she was acting (all he got from the conversation was her screaming...) I told her she had to go home and go to bed early...the threats continued until I realized that she wasn't going to cave in (strong-willed child) but her little sister was as happy as could be and was posing for the camera already. My cheapness decided if we had to pay a sitting fee, might as well have SOMEBODY sit and pose for the camera...Karlie gladly stepped in and filled the role.

While that made things a little better, I still did not have 3 year old pictures of Kinsley, but swore I would not go through that again. As the anger wore off, we found another photographer that Kinsley agreed to go to once I promised her that there were NO DOGS. So, we went today. Things started a little shaky, but we ended up getting about 30 pictures made. The problem? This photographer is MUCH more expensive than the first...

Whose idea was it for her to get her picture made anyway?


Matthew Anderson said...

Boy does this sound familiar. I remember a little girl about 25yrs ago that put her parents through the exact same thing. But don't worry things will get better.
Love, Mom (granny)

Stephanie Anderson said...

I'm so glad you decided to blog....I can't wait to hear more about your family! I definitely find your family interesting enough to read about...(I mean, come on, do you know how boring my life is??) No, really, I can't wait to "catch up". I haven't even seen a picture of the baby (who by the way isn't much of a baby anymore, huh?) We love you and hope to see you soon.

Steph, Rob, and fam