Monday, July 16, 2007

What's Happening...

Well, since everyone else has a blog we decided to jump on board and give it a try! I am not convinced that our life is interesting enough for other people to actually read, but here goes nothing! :) I don't really know where to begin so I guess I'll tell you what's going on with the Spears family currently.

We are living in Williamsport, Tennessee. Jamie works for the Federal Government with the Social Security office- finally a job that he enjoys and can see himself staying with. (Thank Goodness). I am still teaching 2nd grade in Hickman County and LOVING it. I am getting ready to start my 6th year. I am also a graduate student at MTSU working on my Masters in Educational Leadership and Supervision. I just started this summer and have 2 years left...

Here is our last family picture which was taken in February. You can see what Jamie and I spend most of our time doing...taking care of the 2 princesses. Kinsley is 3 and Karlie just turned 9 months. Things around our house are always fun. As you can see, Kinsley looks just like her daddy. However she acts just like her momma (poor thing). For those of you who remember me as a young child, I was shy (to say the least). I didn't want anyone to look at me, nor did I want to talk to anyone that I didn't know very well (and sometimes didn't want to talk to those I did know!) Well, my mother is laughing because I am getting paid back for all that I put her through- JOY JOY! Karlie on the other hand is not even a year old and already a complete opposite of her sister. She is laid back, always happy, and loves everyone and everything. She is full of personality. She has changed so much since this photo so I will try to post more recent pictures soon.

Jamie and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, healthy family. God has truly blessed us in many ways. We pray each day that he will continue to bless us. That's what's happening with us right now...more to come later.

1 comment:

garyneat said...

Wow, What a beautiful family!
We love you all.
Granny & Pa