Friday, June 27, 2008

Crazy Eight

So, Stephanie tagged me and I have nothing else interesting to write about so I'll give it a try....

Crazy Eights...

Eight things I'm passionate about:

*God- trying everyday to get closer to Him

*Jamie- fell in love with him in high school and things haven't changed since. Sure we get into the rut of everyday life, but I love him more each and every day.

*The girls- I love watching them grow and develop into sweet little girls

* All of my family- family plays a HUGE role in our lives. I can't imagine not having all of them

* Friends- who can make it without these?

*My job- absolutely LOVE my job. I couldn't have picked a better profession.

*Reading- When I can find time, I love to get lost in a mystery/romance novel.

* Summertime- refreshing and allows me to spend everyday with my girls.

Eight things I would like to do before I die:

*Sky dive- no really I would LOVE to do this ( I guess this is my version of a tattoo since I already did that- trust me, don't do it!)

* Watch the girls grow up and have families of their own

* Read the Bible several times (and understand it)

* Go on a mission trip

* Go on an exotic vacation (Hawaii, Jamaica,etc.) just me and Jamie

* Travel to many places in the US (Grand Canyon, Washington DC, New York)

* Re-learn to play the piano

* Run a marathon

Eight things I say all the time...

* I will start my diet tomorrow

* What part of "no" do you not understand?

*Karlie, no no

* Kinsley why are you crying THIS time? (Drama Queen)

* I love you to the moon and back (me and Kinsley)

* Sure we can watch Hannah Montana AGAIN...

* Skank (don't even ask)

* I'm hungry

Eight Books I have read recently

*Bulls Island
* Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas
*Baby Proof
*Something Blue
* Hissy Fit
* Savannah Blues
*Savannah Breeze
* A Walk to Remember

Eight movies I have seen eight times

* Grease (still LOVE it)
*Steel Magnolias (cry every time)
* Beaches (ditto)
* Lion King
* Aladdin
* Hannah Montana (Kinsley LOVES these- I can quote them)
*Dora the Explorer (Dance to the Rescue, again I know every word and every song!)
* Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (save Santa- it is Christmas year round)

Eight blogger (or blog readers) friends I tag....

* Elizabeth Miller
* Mom or Dad
* Parks
* Kara
* Peggy
* Sara D.

Tag..You're it....

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