Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where we are...

For those of you who keep checking in on the blog to see what's going on, I thought I'd post a quick little update.

1st- My regular OB/GYN thought a 2nd opinion was a good idea, so he has scheduled me an appointment with a Maternal Fetal Doctor at Vanderbilt. Of course the earliest they can see us is Feb. 24th. We will see the doctor AND have another ultrasound done that day.

2nd- Jamie and I have spent lots of time researching all there is to know about a missing corpus callosum and the disorders that can go along with it. Our research has been really beneficially to us because we now have a list of questions to ask at the next ultrasound. We feel we know what information to find out to give us a better idea of what to expect. That was the entire purpose for our research.

3rd- Since there really isn't anything that we can DO, or any more answers that we can get until we have another ultrasound, we have decided to stay off the internet in regards to this, and just spend our time praying for a miracle on the 24th.

I am not going to pretend that I haven't had my moments of fear and doubt...I have. But at the moment, I am at peace with all of this. I know that between now and the 24th, I have to hand all of this over to God...I cannot ignore my girls, just so I can spend all day worrying and searching for more information. I have to get on with my daily life. So, other than constant prayer for healing...I am moving on. I ask any of you who read this blog to also pray that when we go to Vanderbilt on the 24th of February, that everything will be just as it should be.

Another update...we have FINALLY sold our house. We are going to buy the house my parents lived in while I was in college. We are supposed to close on both houses Feb. 18th. So, I really need to get busy packing. I think February is going to be a busy month!

Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. I have received many emails, facebook comments, and comments on here that are very very encouraging. Thank you! You have no idea how much all of those comments mean to us.


Stephanie Anderson said...

No way!! You're buying your mom and dad's old house?????? AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh you know we are praying daily for you in more ways than you can imagine!!! God will take care of you and I am watching over you also! My love is always with you all. I miss you guys and wish I could see you and be with you. That is exciting about the house! I can't believe that!!!! Keep the faith and call if you need anything! Luv ya! Peg

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I love and appreciate you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, you and Jamie are strong individuals. I pray that your sweet baby boy is healthy. I am so excited for the sale of your house. Where is your parents old house? Where are they now? I miss you....
prayers to you and your family...