Thursday, March 4, 2010

Latest News...

The past month has FLOWN by so quickly! It seems like just a week or so ago since I last updated the blog, but now I realize that it has been exactly a month. What a busy month it has been!

We did sell our house and have moved into our new home. We still have a few things that we have NO idea where they are, but overall things are unpacked and we are loving our new space. Due to the move, we have been without internet service for well over a week. I haven't been able to post to the blog or check many facebook statuses, besides the few minutes of wireless we "borrow" from a neighbor. (hey, if you don't put a password on your wireless, then you are technically allowing me to borrow! Oops!) I figured there were some of you who had been checking the blog for an update on the baby since our visit to Vanderbilt on the 24th of February.

The 24th was the day that we (along with many of you) had been praying for a miracle. We didn't get our miracle that day, but we did get some encouraging news. The corpus callosum was still not visible via ultrasound. This was hard for me to hear, because I had convinced myself that it WOULD be there this time. However, after getting over the initial disappointment, I allowed myself to hear the positive news among all of it.

At this time, everything else in the baby's brain (or body for that matter) appear normal: normal size, normal shape, normal placement, etc. The only problem is the missing corpus callosum. This news is good because it pushes us toward the less severe end of the symptoms spectrum. In fact, the doctors at Vandy told us there are adults walking around today missing this piece of their brain and they don't even know it- sometimes adults go for a CT scan for some other reason and discover during the test that they are missing this piece of their brain...weird, huh?

We are scheduled to have a fetal MRI on March 18th. The MRI should show the area of the brain in much more detail than the ultrasound is able to do. We will receive a diagnosis after the results of the MRI are shared with our specialist. They did explain to us that there will still be many questions that they cannot answer, even after giving the diagnosis.

As I mentioned earlier, I was very disappointed at first during our last appointment. However, I have since realized that it's okay. This time I am preparing myself for the MRI to also confirm that this area of the brain is still missing. I am preparing myself for a diagnosis, as well as any challenges we may face with this sweet baby boy. This does NOT mean that I don't still pray every day for a miracle. It does NOT mean that I have given up on God or think that he isn't going to do anything about it. In fact, quite the opposite. I believe all things happen for a reason. I know that God has the power to heal this baby, but if he chooses not to do a complete healing, there is a purpose. Either he has big plans for this child, our family, or some other way that this situation will be used for his glory. I don't know the reason, but I do know that God is in control and he will take care of us- NO MATTER WHAT.

Can I admit something? There are days that I really feel guilty about asking people to pray for the baby. Sound crazy? I know. But instead of asking myself "Why me? Why my baby?" I've started asking "Why not me?" Do I think I am too good to have a child with special needs? So, thank you for your prayers...but sometimes I feel guilt about asking for them. I know prayer is a very powerful thing, but this guilt is something I am currently struggling with.

We don't know what the future holds for this child, but right now the doctors are leading us in a more positive direction. This good news must be answers to prayers going up on behalf of this baby and our family. Praise God! We do believe in the power of prayer, but I am also realistic and understand that things don't have to be PERFECT to be OKAY. And I think I can live with that.

By the way, this sweet baby does finally have a name:

Anderson Knox Spears


garyneat said...

And just when I was feeling like a total failure as a parent....
You give me hope.
Your faith and your insight are amazing and inspiring. Your understanding of God and how he works sounds familiar to Mom and me.
We love you

The Holts said...

My friend Melissa asked me to keep you and your family in my prayers. I just read ur blog and I understand some of your emotions. My daughter Kate was born with Mylin missing in the Cerebellum area of her brain. We knew she was "a different baby" than our first child, but then again we asked ourselves arent they all? We did not get a diagnosis until age 2. This affects her balance and fine and gross motor skills. She crawled at 12 months, walked at 21 months.We went physical, occupational and speech thearpy for years, and now she is 12 and going to middle school and on the B team at zion playing softball. She is the sweetest child with the biggest heart! And your baby is and will be such a blessing, maybe even more than you can possibly imagine now! I have contacted a friend of mine here in Columbia who has a 15 years old son who was born missing his corpus collosum. He is a such a great guy and she would be happy to talk to you if you need a Mom's experience.
Cathy Holt(Todd)

Hallie Madewell said...

What a beautiful name! Andrea, you are such an inspiration.. keep up the good faith.. at the end of the day its all that matters!Will continue to pray for your beautiful family!

Stephanie Anderson said...

I sooooo wanted my SIL to name my nephew Anderson, but she didn't. I am so excited!!! I have always thought Anderson would be a great boy name!!! And now we have another little Andy!!

Love and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

I love your name!!! Little Anderson will be such a blessing to your family.
connie a.

seswafford said...

I LOVE the name Anderson!!! I still think of you as Andrea Anderson like you probaly think of me as Sarah Hawk.

I will continue to pray!

Crystal said...

Hi seems you and I have something in common. My 2 week old son was just born with ACC. I'd love to be in contact with you. Your faith is inspiring. We are all praying for a miracle. Please email me at

Anonymous said...

Andrea, What a great name! He will be a great addition to the family and I can't wait to meet him and welcome him into this great family! I pray daily for you all and know this little boy is going to be very blessed to have such a wonderful family. Yes God has a very special place for this baby and that is in your loving arms!! What an angel sent from God....You must be very special for such a wonderful blessing.
