Monday, October 11, 2010


Everyone around here seems to be growing up too fast! Kinsley is in 1st grade and acting more mature everyday. Kindergarten was so good for her- she is slowly beginning to come out of her shell. I already know that we are in trouble when she gets older- trust me, I tried to take her shopping and already we are having to compromise on what kind of clothes she can wear! I better start praying about that now.
Karlie celebrated her 4th birthday today. She informed me that she feels much bigger and thinks being 4 is the best! She seems to be pretty mature for her age, so honestly she already seems older than 4. She has had a great birthday- one more party next weekend will finish up the celebrations. She loves her preschool this year because she is in the older class. Most of the kids in her class will go to Kindergarten next year, but because of her birthday, she will go through the oldest class twice. She is already getting a love for learning. She loves writing her name, practicing writing letters, and is already wanting to know how to spell words. She and Kinsley spend a lot of time "playing school" where Kinsley is always the (bossy) teacher and Karlie is the eager student. It is quite comical to listen to because Kinsley doesn't miss anything her teacher at school says, so she is eager to come home and repeat it to her sister.

Anderson went for his 4 month check up today, both with his neurosurgeon and his pediatrician. He is growing up so quickly! From month to month his development seems to be in fast forward. I don't know if I just took it for granted with the girls or what, but Jamie and I are amazed every day at the new skills he develops- we don't remember noticing every new thing the girls did at this age. I guess we are noticing his because we are constantly watching for any delays or difficulties that the doctors have told us about...we're still waiting. So far he is doing AWESOME. His pediatrician couldn't believe how good he looked. She laughed at his sweet personality. He smiles ALL the time, laughs, squeals, and his new trick- he blows raspberries- and thinks its hilarious.

Jamie and I feel like we have been blessed greatly with our three children. We know that in the past we took the health and development of our girls for granted- thanks to Anderson we no longer take ANYTHING for granted. Life is too short to not enjoy every single minute and be thankful for those minutes. They go by so quickly...better savor each of them!

Here are a few more pics for you to enjoy...

1 comment:

kara farr said...

I am THRILLED for your blessings!! Your family is just amazing!!! So glad you all are doing well...happy birthday to Karlie!!! Wow 4!!!! That's awesome! Thinking about you all! Love ya!