Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We finally got some news today. Thanks to our wonderful Pediatrician here in Columbia who called Vandy and got some information. Then I had to call back this afternoon because no one from Vandy had called ME to let me know what was going on. When someone finally called, I didn't get an apology or anything. They just acted like it was no big deal...they will soon figure out that to THIS momma it IS a big deal.

Tomorrow Anderson will be having a CT of both his skull/bones and his brain. This should take care of the images for his neurosurgeon regarding the shunt as well as the images for the plastic surgeon who will fit him with his helmet in January.

That's about all we know right now. Hoping it doesn't take forever to get these results. We would like to enjoy our Christmas without the worry of Anderson's shunt malfunctioning. Will post more news as we have it.

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