Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Doctor Admits...

****Update #2: Still no call today...unless you consider the fact that the secretary called to tell me someone WAS going to call me, but couldn't tell me when. Really? Yes I am frustrated, but I did not act ugly on the phone- I figure it's not the secretary's, she called while I was at school and I had 23 pairs of 10 year old eyes watching (and listening to) everything I said...) Maybe I will have news tomorrow for a separate post...don't hold your breath. :)

UPDATE: The doctor never called today to let us know if we are having surgery or not. I even called twice and left a message- no one ever returned my call. So....I am frustrated and we still don't have any answers. Praying tonight for some answers tomorrow (and that I can keep my cool when I finally talk to someone.)

original post:

This past week, Anderson went to Vanderbilt for his 6 month developmental screening. All babies who spend time in the NICU when they are born, go through these screenings. As I have posted before, it is really fun to sit back and watch each time a new doctor/nurse comes in to examine Anderson. You see, all they know of Anderson is his medical chart and all of the MRI images that show a large cyst on the right side of his brain, covering much brain tissue. With all of their medical experience, they immediately have a picture in their minds of what this "Anderson" will look like and be able (or not able) to do. In the past, all we've gotten is the remarks "He looks great." But this past week, a doctor actually went a little farther and recognized that there was something bigger going on. She did the screening, scored the screening, and as she was discussing the results with Jamie and me, she stopped and said, "You both have a lot to be thankful for. After reading his chart and viewing all of his scans, he should not be able to do half of what he is doing." Jamie and I both smiled and told her that he is an answer to many prayers. She smiled and agreed with us. It was a wonderful moment- for someone in the medical field to actually stop and admit that there is more going on in Anderson's life than just his medical chart can show.

The screenings showed that verbal and motor skills are equal to that of a 4-5 month old. So considering he JUST turned 6 months on Dec. 1 we were pleased with that. We do have some things that we will continue to work on with him at home, but overall he is doing great. Get this- his cognitive level came out equal to an 8 month old! Can you believe it? He is actually advanced in his cognitive skills! We knew he was doing great, but it means so much more to have a doctor agree!

There was some concern that the circumference of his head has increased more than they would like it to, so we ended up having an ultra sound of his brain while we were there. The bad news is that the cyst has grown- which it shouldn't do with his shunt in place. So there is question whether his shunt is working properly or not. It hasn't completely malfunctioned, but may not be draining the fluid out of the cyst like it should. His neurosurgeon was out of town, so we are supposed to find out this coming Monday whether we are going back into surgery to have our shunt revised. We hope not, but if he needs it done, then we know it won't be a huge deal. I will be sure to post on Monday whether we are having surgery or not.

The other concern is the shape of his head. Of course it matches Karlie's head at that age- BIG. But it is also flat on the back and starting to bulge some on the sides, so more than likely we are going to end up with a skull-shaping helmet. I hate this for him because I know how uncomfortable this must be, but we are willing to do whatever it takes to correct any problems for him that we can. Our appointment with the plastic surgeon who will fit his helmet is in January.

So overall Anderson is still doing great. He is the sweetest, happiest baby I have ever been around. There is nothing better than picking him up from the babysitter and having him grab my cheeks and give me a big giant kiss. He absolutely adores his big sisters, and I have to admit, LOVES his daddy maybe even moreso than me. He has been such a blessing to our family. I can't imagine life without him.

Just like we told the doctor, we will continue being thankful for everything he is able to do, and while we understand that there may be some bumps in the road in the future, we will deal with those as they arrive, but for now, we will just enjoy and celebrate the wonderful things he is able to do.

Thank you to those of you who continue to pray for Anderson and our family. We appreciate those prayers more than you will ever know, and they are being answered. God has shown himself in our lives and I know he has a special plan for Anderson. This sweet baby has already blessed so many people in his 6 months of life. I can't wait to see what else is in store for him.


Anonymous said...

Andrea, love the look of your update! The Christmas pictures adorable, your girls are beauties and Anderson the cutest thing...and his Daddy isn't bad himself!! Wonderful report, shunt thing can/will be corrected if needed and the little helmet that so many wear now makes a fellow look tough! You know Paige was born with Craniostenosis..(sp??) (been 40 years) and her head was very misshaped as bones of head had closed prematurely in womb. She had surgery @ 3 weeks to correct. Would you believe when we look up ACC, craniostenosis comes up and cleft remember one of our twin grandsons 5 had cleft lip/palette. Think these midline conditions can go together. Glad Anderson will only have to wear his helmet! He reminds me of Max when he was a baby....very happy looking, smiling constantly and beautiful!! Praise God for both these boys!! love,bettie COL. 3:17

Stephanie Anderson said...

One of my good friend's son had to wear a helmet for quite a while and he became very attached to it. Even wanted to wear it after he didn't have to anymore! So maybe it's not too uncomfortable after the initial adjustment. Plus you can get them in cute patterns now! His had airplanes on it :) his darling little face will look so cute peeking out of there!