Monday, March 26, 2012

Let the games begin...And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Just a little quote from Hunger Games to begin this post! I have been doing really good the past few days and I was able to get out of the house and go on a few adventures. I started this past Thursday night by going to the midnight premier of the Hunger Games. I absolutely loved it and had a great time. I had read all 3 books during Christmas vacation and I have been counting down til the movie- I was disappointed when I thought there would be no way for me to go, so when I felt good and had a good visit with the doctor that day, I decided to go all out!

Friday night the kids all went to spend the night with Meme and that allowed Jamie and me to spend some time together relaxing and going out to eat with real adult conversations. I enjoyed it tremendously.

Saturday included more relaxing (before the kids came home). It was much needed relaxing, especially for Jamie. I have to brag on him - he has been absolutely fantastic. He is such a wonderful husband and father. I don't know what I'd do without him. Especially this last hospital stay- he had to practically help me do EVERYTHING, because they put my IV in the bend of my arm on the only good arm I have, which limited my range of motion on that side too. Even eating was a challenge!

Sunday we were able to go to worship as a family, which was wonderful! It had been a month since we had been able to do this and it was great to be back and see everyone, and to hear a great sermon on the 23rd Psalm. I then spent the day with one of my best friends, visiting one of our teachers who just had surgery, and then meeting up with some other friends for lunch. I have never been so glad to get out of the house! It was a great day!

Today was the cherry on top...I am so happy tonight as I post this! In fact, I feel a little less tied see, I have had drainage tubes coming out of my side for a month straight...I fully realize their importance and why I have them, but they drive me crazy. In fact, they have been the majority of my frustrations! Forget any pain, I can handle that! But trying to hide the tubes, sleep with the tubes, wear clothes that don't rub the tubes, etc.. You get the point. Well, today my FABULOUS doctor took out both of my drainage tubes!!!! Hooray! He also took out the stitches from my most recent incision, and the best part....He gave me permission to take a quick trip to the beach before I begin my treatments! YAHOO! Have I mentioned how wonderful he is??

So, lots of good things happening today! We also found out today that I will have my Port placed next Tuesday and I will begin my treatments next Thursday. Yep, next week I will finally begin the next phase of this journey. Am I ready? Yes, because you can't finish if you don't start...and the sooner you start, the sooner you finish. BUT, I honestly am a little frightened about it, too. I have no idea how my body will react to the treatments and that's a little (ok, a lot) scary. Considering the track record of my body over the past 2 months, I don't have a lot of confidence in it!

I will just have to stay focused and not allow these fears to overtake me. I must stay focused. I must remind myself that God is by my side, holding my hand, and he will never leave me. I must also think of all of you, lifting our family up in prayer, and ready to stand by our side every step through this entire journey. We can do this! And what a celebration we will have when this journey is over and we come out victorious!

So, as we prepare for next week, the Hunger Games quote seems to be appropriate : "Let the games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor!" (Effie Trinkett)


Glenna said...

Have a great trip! Dwayne and I got a laugh out of your post.

bettie said...

AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from you outings to your port....words are few, but no less full of love and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!INDEED LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becky said...

We Love you Andrea! I tell Kari everyday at work how awesome you are and about your wonderful attitude! We are here for you, just a phone call away!