Sunday, August 26, 2012

Some pictures from Friday

At this moment, I can say that I am finished with CHEMO!  Hooray!  And  I pray that I never have to go through that again, but with the ugly C- that's never a guaranteed thing, so I will be thankful for each day that chemo isn't a part of. 

I am working on a more detailed post about my last chemo treatment and all of the different emotions that went along with it, but it's not ready to post yet.  So for now, I just wanted to share a few pictures with you:

While I was waiting to be called back for my treatment, I saw one of the office workers coming down the hallway with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.  I was shocked when she kept walking right toward me and said they had been delivered for me.  I tore open the card and then cried like a baby.  My wonderful husband had sent these to me, along with a card telling me how proud he was of me.  I am so lucky to have him by my side.  I don't know what I'd do without his support.

Here are some of the IV Therapy nurses who were working Friday.  They are some of the most kind and compassionate nurses I've met.  They took excellent care of me, along with every other patient in the facility.  They have a hard job, but they have been called for a purpose.  They made me feel like a person- not just another chart, not just another person needing chemo- a person, a patient, a mother, a wife, and a friend.  They are angels on earth, with a job that you couldn't pay me enough to do.  Thank you ladies for not only helping me through, but supporting me and caring about me throughout the journey.

    it is.  The last sign.  I did it.  I managed to complete all 16 rounds of chemo.  And I'm still here. 

Thank you, Jesus for picking me up and carrying me on those days I knew I couldn't go another step.  Thank you for lifting the burden of this ugly C off my shoulders so that I could concentrate on just taking care of my body, my spirit, and my family- without the worry or fear of what the future holds.  Help me to always trust in you and just take it one day at a time. 

1 comment:

Hallie Madewell said...

WOOOHOOOO! You rocked it Andrea! So proud of you and still praying!!!!!