Friday, February 17, 2012

A quick update

I didn't post anything yesterday - not much happened. In fact, it was a pretty normal day. The most normal day that we've had all week. We had a full day completely on our normal routine. It was great. I know there won't be many of those for awhile, so I really enjoyed it. It was a great day. Seriously, the cards, the messages, the comments, the hugs, the gifts...I could not feel more loved right now. Thank you is not enough, but for now it's all I have. Our family has been lifted up in prayer by people across several states and there is nothing more powerful than knowing that many people are supporting you through this and lifting your name up in prayer.

So, if yesterday was the calm before the storm, today was a storm- A whirlwind of tests and appointments. I left the house at 6:30 this morning and other than 15 minutes, was gone until after 8 tonight. I am worn out, but overall it was a great day. I had a CT scan, Bone Scan, EKG, lab work, appointment with plastic surgeon, and even made it to Parent-Teacher Conferences at school. Whew...bedtime is coming early tonight.

This morning I had some special treatment and was well taken care of at the hospital for all of the tests today from a very special hospital employee (she knows who she is). She went out of her way to help me be at ease, be encouraged, and stay positive. Her positive energy definitely is contagious. It did my soul good to spend time with her- you see, she knows what I'm going through...she's been there, done that, and she was younger than me (and pregnant at the time). Thank you "B" for your encouragement and help today!

Anyway, things have changed a little bit from Wednesday. All reports and test results are in. I meet with my surgeon Monday to go over them, but I do know from reading my copies of the reports, that both the MRI and CT show suspicion of lymph node involvement on the left side. Apparently some of the lymph nodes are enlarged, of course they won't know for sure if it's due to cancer until they take them out and have them checked, but right now it definitely looks suspicious.

We also met with a plastic surgeon today. We were presented with the different options for surgery. It was a great visit. Jamie and I both walked away feeling like we had plenty of information to help me make the decision. I have received the absolute best treatment thus far from every doctor, every nurse, every tech, everyone who I have come into contact with in this process has gone above and beyond the call of duty and that means a lot during a time like this.

So, what's next? At the visit Monday, we go over all test results, we make the decision on surgery, and I think we will discuss treatment after surgery, but I'm not 100% sure on that. After that, everyone looks at their schedules to see when the surgery can be done, possibly as early as one day next week.

That's pretty much all we know. I am still keeping my head up. I am positive that I can do this. I will do it, and I will beat it. I have no doubt about that. I do know it probably won't be easy, and I also realize that I will have to ask others for help, even though that is hard for me to do. :)

One quick thing...a book finally came in the mail today that I had ordered and it is WONDERFUL. If you know any young children who's mom has cancer, it's a great book to help them understand what's going on. It's called "Mom has Cancer...Let's Talk About it". I would highly recommend it.

Well that's all for now. Not sure if I'll post any this weekend. Lots to get done before surgery and lots of playtime with the kids since I may be down for awhile. Thanks for prayers! Keep praying. God is good. All the time.


bettie said...

Andrea...Happy to read today's post after being a bit concerned when you didn't post the day before. So glad you had just an ordinary day! You inspire encourage me...your outlook and positive attitude is contagious and I'm so glad we are friends!!! I know "B" and if anyone can teach you the ropes this gal can!!!! Sweetie, not only are you going to do whatever needs to be done and come out a are going to be able to reach more people who may find themselves in a situation similar, than you can even imagine!!! God has something special in mind for you! God uses the usable and I see His strength and power in each word you speak!!!You know the prayers are still being shouted from the roof tops and will continue and what glory God is receiving through your journey...and after all....that's what our life here is all about!! Love ya, girl...give the girls and Anderson and Jamie a big hug from me....just like the one I gave your Daddy..:)!!!!!!!!!!!! He's a he keeps his glass front door locked at all times...hey, the crazy lady from Zion Rd...will just come through the back!!!....speaking of back....we've got yours!!!!!b.g.~~Col 3:17

Anonymous said...
