Saturday, March 20, 2010

Not neglected...

So I realized that in keeping everyone posted about Anderson, I haven't posted anything at all about the girls in awhile. I didn't want you to think that they are being totally neglected or put on the back burner (not that any of you would think that). So I thought I'd do a quick post to let you know what they've been up to.

They are absolutely loving life in a subdivision. They have made friends with the kids next door and spent many hours yesterday playing outside with them. This is a big deal, especially for Kinsley, because at the old house they would not play outside unless Jamie or I were right there with them. Yesterday I finally made them come in the house when the street lights started coming on.

Their other new friend is the "Ice Cream Man"... They can hear that music from miles away and will stand on the porch with thier dollars waiting on him. They think he's the coolest thing ever!

Since we live on the end of a cul-de-sac, they are allowed to ride their bikes on the street around the circle while Jamie or I am outside watching them. Kinsley was so excited about having pavement to ride her bike on that I think she rode at least 10 miles on that little bike yesterday. It sure beats having to ride in circles in the garage because we had a gravel driveway! She's hoping to practice without her training wheels soon...that should be a fun adventure.

Karlie loves riding her bike, too. She is getting better at peddling up small hills everyday. She is so funny. She has such a determination about her. She gets really frustrated, but is determined she is going to do it without help.

They are getting really excited about their baby brother and are beginning to ask more frequently how much longer until he gets here. Karlie announced at lunch the other day that "Momma has a BIG belly!" Kinsley gave her a death look and replied, "Karlie, don't say that when Momma is listening! You'll hurt her feelings." It was quite if I don't realize I have a big belly!

We are looking forward to more days with beautiful weather like we had yesterday. Planning on spending a lot of time outside playing and enjoying the subdivision life.

Jamie and I have tried very hard to protect them from knowing anything could be wrong with the baby. Of course Kinsley was with us at the 20 week ultrasound, but she has never mentioned anything else about it. We haven't talked about it with them. So, other than praying each night for their baby to be healthy, they don't have any reason to think they need to worry. That's the way I would like for it to be until there is a for sure reason that they need to know otherwise.

Have a great day! Thanks for all of the continued prayers. The MRI results did not get put in the computer yesterday for the doctor to give us the results, so we are patiently waiting until Monday to find out some definite answers. Keep praying!

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