I thought I'd update with a few pics to show you how well Anderson is doing. Jamie and I feel blessed beyond measure, and we know that God is present and answering prayers every day. Anderson is already doing things that make us look at each other with amazement. We already feel that he is going to do way more than any of the doctors think he will do.
He is a good eater. His weight was up to 7lb 14 oz this past Monday, which was up 6 oz. from just the Friday before. We will go back next Monday just to be sure he is continuing to gain- hopefully he will be back up to his birth weight of 8lb 7oz.
He HATES bath time! We are still having to do sponge baths because of his incisions from the surgery as well as the fact that stupid belly button still hasn't fallen off! That thing is annoying! He screams his way through his bath but as soon as I wrap him up and pick him up, he is perfectly calm and relaxed.
His big(gest) sister still thinks the world of him and stays pretty close to his side. The newness has worn off some, but both sisters still think he is pretty special.
Here are some pics from his surgery. The incision on his head is where the shunt and valve are placed. You can see where whoever shaved his hair for the surgery got a little "razor-happy". But the incision is about 3 cm long and at the base of his head where it meets his neck, you can see what looks like a knot- which is actually the valve piece of the shunt under his skin. Once he regrows his hair, you won't be able to see any of it. He also has an incision on his abdomen right above his belly button. This is where they cut to pull the shunt piping down into his abdomen to allow the fluid to drain.
It has been frustrating not being able to get him out, or to be able to have many visitors. We are anxious to be able to get him out so that all of you who have been praying for him can see him in person and be amazed at what he is already capable of doing. But we also understand the seriousness of getting an infected shunt, so we are following doctor's orders. Until then, I guess the pictures will have to do. Thanks again for the continued prayers and support. Things are going so well right now, we could not ask for more.
OH MY GOODNESS.. he is so PRECIOUS! I am so happy he is doing so well and we'll continue to pray! AND WOOHOO for good sleeping! :)
Ahhh I am planning a trip soon as he can have visitors so you better let me know when!!!!! I am so ready to see you all. I have missed you all and need some hugs! Prayers still going up!
Love you all!
I am so happy to hear he is doing well. I am anxious for the time I can get my hands on him. He looks so much like the girls. But guess we will have to call him handsome instead of beautiful. Hope you are doing better as well. Aunt Linda
Thanks for the update! He is very cute...and too precious!! Still praying!
HE IS SO CUTE! Oh, I just want to to squeeze him up! His eyes just "talk" to you, don't they? He looks so happy and content!
Keep holding off visitors! So smart! Even though we are all dying to see him, we can wait for him to be all healed up first!
Give him a little kissy from Ann Cortner!
He is absolutely adorable!!!! How sweet he is! Someone finally told me to stop putting the alcohol on Max's umbilical cord and it fell off quicker! Imagine that!
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